In order to make himself more popular, he tried to make the government better than before in the course of the Three kingdoms. He also instructed the poor people outside of the city to pay less taxes than in the past. Men were also sent by him to all the provinces to calculate how much taxes that province ought to pay. Not only this, he also gave every man specific amount of land, and if a man reaches his 60, he would need to return the land, and then he wouldn't need to pay anymore taxes. When Wendi picks his government officials, he would use Han Dynasty way of picking to pick out the smartest and best educated men only. (http://www.chinaknowledge.de/)

During the Sui Dynasty, to the far west of China, there is one leader from a civilization with different culture, life style and appearance. His name is Heraclius (575 - February 11, 641) was a Byzantine Emperor of Armenian descent, who ruled the Roman Empire from October 5, 610 to February 11, 641. (http://www.en.wikipedia.org/)

During the Sui, the Chinese economy grew impressively. One of the main reason is because of misuse of the area south of the Yangtze River. A lot of huge and serious development had began there, causing millions of people from the north to settled here. In 587, there were competitions to see who would get to go work for the government. Men were tested on Confucian classics called the Xiucai (Examination System). During that time, land was the most important resource of wealth, so the Sui controls access to the land in order to decrease the space between the poor and the rich. (Microsoft Student Encarta 2007)

Among the nomadic peoples, men and women are traditionally more equal. Carpets, jewelries, and glass from Persia are the things that wealthy Chinese pay high prices for. The northern part and southern part are like two regions with a lot of difference. In order to unify the two regions together, the Sui emperors supported Buddhism. When China have finally been unified, China most important religion has become Buddhism. The Sui emperors also contributes in building or repairing places of worship, temples and giving lands. (Microsoft Encarta 2007)
Wendi died at an early age, he wasn't that old at that time and he might have been kill my his own son, Yang Ti. Yang Ti wanted to take his father's position and be the emperor himself, and he did become the new emperor of Sui. Because of his obsession of becoming a great emperor, he had set many important projects. (www.chinaknowledge.de) One of his best project was the Grand Canal project, connecting the Yangtze Rivers, Huai and Yellow River together. It resulted of a more convenient transportation from northern to southern China. One of his worst project was that he try to take control over Korean by attacking them. He recruited an army of over a million men, but they failed to defeat their enemy, and resulting of themselves running away. Yang Ti decisions and failure had made the army generals very angry and they killed Yang Ti. And this is how the Sui Dynasty ended, with the death of emperor Yang Ti by his own people's hands. (http://www.en.wikipedia.org/)
1. Heraclius. Wikipedia. 12 Jan 2008 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Heraclius-coin.jpg>.
2. Microsoft Student Encarta. CD-ROM.2007 ed.
3. Sui Dynasty. 12 Jan 2008 <http://depts.washington.edu/chinaciv/1xarsui1.htm>.
4. Sui Dynasty. 12 Jan 2008
5. Microsoft Student Encarta. CD-ROM.2007 ed.
6. 12 Jan 2008 <http://content.answers.com/main/content/wp/en/thumb/e/e2/220px-Mahayanabuddha.jpg>
1.Sui Dynasty. 12 Jan 2008 <http://www.mnsu.edu/emuseum/prehistory/china/classical_imperial_china/sui.html>.
2.Sui Dynasty. 12 Jan 2008 <http://www.travelchinaguide.com/intro/history/sui/>.
3.Sui Dynasty. 12 Jan 2008 <http://library.thinkquest.org/12255/library/dynasty/sui.html>.
4.Sui Dynasty. 12 Jan 2008 <http://www.yutopian.com/history/sui.html>.
5.Sui Dynasty. 12 Jan 2008 <http://www.chinaknowledge.de/History/Tang/sui.html>.
6.Sui Dynasty. 12 Jan 2008 <http://www-chaos.umd.edu/history/imperial2.html>.
7.Sui Dynasty. 12 Jan 2008 <http://www.sacu.org/dynsui.html>.
8.Sui Dynasty. 12 Jan 2008 <http://www.chinaculture.org/gb/en_aboutchina/2003-09/24/content_22794.htm>.
9. Sui Dynasty. 12 Jan 2008 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sui_Dynasty>.
0.Sui Dynasty. 12 Jan 2008 <http://www.mfa.org/collections/search_art.asp?recview=true&id=13969&coll_package=26209 >.